
Monday, July 18

[Projek PCM Sharing] Kanski 7th Ed. [DOWNLOAD]....real punya!!

Hehehe..salam semua, kali nih real punya aku share dengan korang ebook kanski 7th Ed. nih..kali nih Uncle Jack J. Kanski (aku syak mamat nih ada bloodline dengan Monkey D. Luffy) tak buat sorang-sorang untuk edisi terbaru..dia ada mintak tolong sama itu Uncle Brad Bowling untuk duet dengan beliau.

Nie apa yang aku copy-paste pasal review buku nih dekat web Elsevier:

  • Includes over 2,700 high-quality images, 1,000 of which appear for the first time in this edition.
  • Master the latest advances in ophthalmology: radical changes in the management of macular disease, including the widespread introduction of VEGF inhibitor therapy; recent developments in the investigation and treatment of retinal vascular disease; new pharmaceutical interventions for a range of conditions, including infectious eye disease and glaucoma; and updated surgical procedures and methods, including oculoplastic, corneal, and glaucoma surgery.
  • Guidance on examination, imaging, and recognition of systemic conditions associated with ocular disease.
  • Learn from two renowned experts in the field. (itulah uncle Jack dan uncle Brad) (^_^)v
Nih dia punya link untuk download buku nih
[Projek PCM Sharing] Kanski 7th  Ed. part a
[Projek PCM Sharing] Kanski 7th  Ed. part b
[Projek PCM Sharing] Kanski 7th  Ed. part c
[Projek PCM Sharing] Kanski 7th  Ed. part d
password: pelajarkacamata

1st sekali aku nak explain, file-file nih bila dah d'download kena sambung dengan software FFSJ (Faster File Splitter and Joiner) n dekat situ password d'atas main peranan! tutorial software ada dekat page nih atau korang bole download dlm bentuk pdf  [link].

Kepada yang xboleh baca kanski 7th Ed nih dalam komp korang..aku sarankan convert format file dia tuh dari xxx.chm kepada xxx.html dengan cara guna software nih CHM Decoder. tutorial software nih dekat laman web nih [link].

ataupown kalau korang rasa leceh serabut bole download terus ebook nih tampa ragu2 dekat bawah nih
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p/s: macam besa klu ada masalah bole calling2 aku dekat bawah nih..pow!