
Saturday, July 16

jom maen bowling bersama Jack jr., Kanski J. & Brad Pitt kali ke-7!!

Sedang aku jalan2 dalam alam dunia cyber nih..aku terjumpa lar 1,2 laman web yg bagi buku pasal mata nih free2 ja..ada 2 buah ekceli..tapi 1 tuh dah aku letak dalam blog nih...hehe

Apa2 pown aku nak share dgn korang pasal buku ebook yg aku jmpa nih..

  • Buku Ebook Diabetic Retinopathy for the Comprehensive Ophthalmologist
w.w.w.d.r.c.o.b.o.o.k.c.o.m  [link]

Tak bleh nak bagi review pasal buku nih sebab aku pown xbaca lagi..(ehem2)..ya2, aku xdownload lagi..(ceh!). Tapi apa yg author dia, enchek Jonathan Walker MD ckp pasal buku nih:
"This book is designed to transfer useful techniques for the clinical management of diabetic patients. It is an attempt to go beyond the results of clinical trials and to address the nuances of treating diabetics by compressing the author’s clinical experience into a format that hopefully makes it easy to expand your skills. It does not start with the fundamentals; instead, it is assumed that the reader can do a basic examination and is at least partially familiar with various tests such as fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography. The book is written for residents, beginning retina fellows, and comprehensive ophthalmologists that are recently out of training-- as well as for anyone interested in broadening their understanding of these complex patients."

Tapi yang paling mengegarkan jiwa sanubari aku..selang beberapa hari minggu lepas aku upload buku ebook kanski 6th Ed tuh..keluar plak yg 7th Ed punya.. sabor ya kawan2, akan aku upload nnt..xbesar cam 6th Ed yg sebelum nih..tapi..hurmm(ah,nnt korang nilai lar sendirik!)kehkehkeh..nah kulit depan!